Help Center

How to Upgrade/Downgrade Subscriptions

If you have an existing subscription that you signed up for on your iPhone or iPad, and you wish to upgrade or downgrade to different subscription plan, follow these steps:

1. Go to your device's Settings. 

2. Click on the Profile option at the top of the screen.

3. Select iTunes & App Stores.

4. Click on your Apple ID.

5. Choose View Apple ID.

6. Scroll down and select Subscriptions.

7. Find and tap on the app.

8. Choose your new plan.

How to Cancel My Subscription?

Our subscriptions renews automatically using Apple's in-app purchase payment system. You can always cancel your subscription after you subscribed in any of our packages.

Even though we do not handle payments including subscription management, we are happy to help you cancel your subscription.

Instructions to cancel your subscription

Step 1: Open the App Store app

Step 2: Find the App

Step 3: Cancel your subscription

If you cancel your subscription, you will still be able to use the app with premium features until its expiration date.

Still have questions? read more about cancelling your subscription on Apple's Support Page.

How to Request a Refund?

You may be eligible for a refund for the purchase you've made in our apps including subscriptions. However, we do not handle payments or subscriptions. Payments and refunds are managed by Apple. Therefore, you would need to contact Apple to request a refund.

Instructions to request a refund

Step 1: Access Refund Portal

Step 2: Enter Details

Step 3: Submit your request

If you already submitted a refund request, please read this article 'Check the status of your refund request' on Apple Support page.

If a refund is issued to your account, you will lose access to the premium features that is available with your subscription.

If you still have questions, please read 'Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple' article on Apple Support page.

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